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Dr Patrick McGeer |
Wiki says
In August 2012, McGeer and his wife Edith founded Aurin Biotech Inc., following indications that the Aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) complex inhibit activation of the Complement system. Since activation of the complement system is implicated in a number of diseases (see Complement system#Role in Disease), these indications suggested that ATA could be an effective treatment for these diseases. Aurin [2] was founded to explore the efficacy of using ATA and related compounds in the treatment of these diseases. The particular focus is on diseases that are caused or exacerbated by aberrant complement activation. Low molecular weight components of the aurintricarboxylic acid complex have been shown to be non-toxic and orally effective.
Pat McGeer is working with Ernie now or as well but what's this I see? The Gold Coast Neuroimmune research investigating me/cfs has found calcium 2++ ion transport problems in those with me/cfs and it seems it can be cured by this ATA so they have the treatment already even though it is being used for something else at present? Nothing would surprise me but the research has to be done first and I know nothing about the Complement system nor how it relates to Ca 2++ enzyme problems until I click on those links. Not doing that now. I reinstalled windows 10 as a clean install with this tool from microsoft that is actually working
Ernie Murakami is thought of by me as the cannabis man. There is a lot more to him than that. I have no idea if CBD oil has got anything to do with the complement system or calcium transport from an electrical point of view. They may not be related at all, but Ernie seems to have had to deal with a lot of controversy because of his interests in medical marijuana and now he is retired and offers his services to patients around the world while investigating cannibidiol or CBD. He is a rare breed of doctor and he really should be at the top of this page because he is nice to everyone!!! He answers questions on his Facebook page and posts information knowing that it is the patients who are hungry for it even though our Governments are lagging in even making the product legal. The essential oil cannot yet be patented as it is because it is a herb so they make it illegal unless you buy their version which is usually not a whole product but one that has been scientifically manipulated, divided in half at least. The THC is usually removed by pharmaceutical companies trying to package it for a start. Who knows what happens and will happen to it over the years but most people who have had no success with conventional medicine tend to go back to natural medicines particularly food and herbs. I don't think that will ever change. They could make a futuristic movie about people breaking out of controlled environment cities to pursue medicines in what had survived in the wild that will counter the sick city syndrome with live food. Maybe nature always comes back if left to itself. Is that an opiate meandering thought? Take no notice of it.
Ernie Murakami is thought of by me as the cannabis man. There is a lot more to him than that. I have no idea if CBD oil has got anything to do with the complement system or calcium transport from an electrical point of view. They may not be related at all, but Ernie seems to have had to deal with a lot of controversy because of his interests in medical marijuana and now he is retired and offers his services to patients around the world while investigating cannibidiol or CBD. He is a rare breed of doctor and he really should be at the top of this page because he is nice to everyone!!! He answers questions on his Facebook page and posts information knowing that it is the patients who are hungry for it even though our Governments are lagging in even making the product legal. The essential oil cannot yet be patented as it is because it is a herb so they make it illegal unless you buy their version which is usually not a whole product but one that has been scientifically manipulated, divided in half at least. The THC is usually removed by pharmaceutical companies trying to package it for a start. Who knows what happens and will happen to it over the years but most people who have had no success with conventional medicine tend to go back to natural medicines particularly food and herbs. I don't think that will ever change. They could make a futuristic movie about people breaking out of controlled environment cities to pursue medicines in what had survived in the wild that will counter the sick city syndrome with live food. Maybe nature always comes back if left to itself. Is that an opiate meandering thought? Take no notice of it.
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Dr. Ernie Murakami M.D. Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus UBC |
About Dr. Murakami
Dr. Ernie Murakami became involved in Lyme Disease while in his practice based in the rural community of Hope, British Columbia.
Through his practice, he developed two new methods of tick removal, one which was the Blister Method; the injection of a pre-measured mixture of Xylocaine and Adrenaline directly beneath the jaw of the tick. This method is used today, primarily in Medical offices and by Emergency physicians. The second method was the Drinking Straw and Single Knot Method, in which the attached tick is placed inside the straw, with the straw held at a 45 degree angle. A suture string is placed under the straw, directly in contact with the mouth of the wood tick. A single knot is applied. Constant alternating releasing pressure is applied upwards away from the skin and the tick releases itself intact, from the host. This technique was accepted by the Compensation Board and the Justice Institute for the training of ambulance and first-aid personnel and is in full use today.
These techniques were at the time, being taught by Dr. Murakami to other Physicians at International Conferences. During the times spent at these clinics, he became familiar with the treatment of Lyme, both long term and short term, as well as the split theories surrounding the treatment of Lyme. One fraction believed that only 3 weeks of treatment was adequate at any level, despite the fact that this had been disproven, while the other half believed that long term treatment was required to eradicate the Cystic form of the disease, based on biological fact.
Dr. Murakami became intrigued with the disease as to the epidemiology with his first case of confirmed Lyme Disease in Agassiz, BC at the Federal Penitentiary. This patient showed the typical bulls-eye rash that developed soon after being infected. A second case intrigued him further when another patient from Hope, BC was confirmed to have a typical rash and a positive Eliza serology. Both these patients responded to three weeks of antibiotic treatment.
Subsequent to these cases, Dr. Murakami began receiving referrals from other physicians due to his keen interest in Lyme and his approach to medicinal treatments, both in the removal of the ticks and his successful treatments of the disease. He soon found himself to be a rare physician; willing to acknowledge, diagnose and treat the symptoms of Lyme disease in British Columbia. This was a stand very few other doctors were willing to make.
Since that time, Dr. Murakami has offered his personal experiences as a physician treating Lyme patients to others in the medical field by speaking at seminars and conferences. His lectures are met with both interest and disbelief and the center of much controversy. News articles soon began to surface as patient after patient would give testimony to Dr. Murakami's somewhat "miraculous" assistance in treating some long-suffering patients of Lyme's, where a history of mis-diagnosis and denial existed prior. Reports began surfacing about the lack of knowledge that exists among the medical communities, both here in Canada as well as the US.
Today, Dr. Murakami is retired from his regular practice. His keen interest and his willingness to explore a very controversial topic has surrounded him with much media attention and discord among the medical community. He remains true to his Hippocratic Oath however, and offers this site as a base of information to both patients, possible sufferers and doctors alike.
Contacting Dr. Murakami
Dr. Murakami can be spoken to regarding possible Lyme infection by following this procedure only.
Download and print out the Health Questionnaire.
Complete it as best you can
Fax the completed questionnaire to the toll-free number at 1-866-259-2320
He will then go through the questionnaire and contact you to discuss with you over the phone. All inquiries are handled on a priority sequence basis.
Dr. Murakami does not charge for his opinions. You may, however, make a donation towards the Society.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this procedure as seamless and responsive as possible. We are working diligently to try to streamline his work load so he can be of service to more patients.
Reproduced from Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme
Research, Education & Assistance Society
Getting back to the National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases (NCNED), Gold Coast campus of Griffith University, they have just this week released a summary of their published research and they seem to be going ahead in leaps and bounds. I have some recollection that they are tied with Simaron Research and not everyone trusts that latter's motives these days. Actually I am not sure who they are tied up with but they are receiving Australian backing too.
October 18, 2016
NCNED is pleased to release the following update of world first discoveries this year in CFS/ME:
We thank every participant, donors, the Stafford Fox Medical Research Foundation, Mr Douglas Stutt, the Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation, the Queensland Government, the Mason Foundation and Change for ME.Without your support these pivotal studies would not have been possible.
- NCNED discovered significant associations of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channel families from CFS/ME patients.
- NCNED discovered significant reductions in TRPM3 receptors on the cell surface of natural killer (NK) cells and B cells from CFS/ME patients.
- NCNED discovered significant reductions in intracellular calcium as well as stored calcium in NK cells from CFS/ME patients.
- NCNED discovered significant changes in intracellular calcium-regulated genes from NK cells as well as cell signalling changes that are important for NK cell function and cytokine production in CFS/ME patients.
- NCNED aimed to determine if all these changes in NK cells were due to dysfunction of the TRPM3 receptors located on the cell surface of these cells.
- NCNED now reports that the significant reduction in NK activity as well as changes in intracellular signalling is associated with low intracellular calcium ions in NK cells through the impairment of TRPM3 ion channels.
- NCNED highlights these significant findings as the inability to allow sufficient calcium ions to move inside the cell with dysfunctional TRPM3 receptors.
- Importantly the significant dysregulation of TRPM3 receptors NCNED has identified is not confined to NK cells. TRPM3 receptors are located on nearly all cells in the body. The dysfunction of TRPM3 NCNED has identified suggests this receptor is involved in CFS/ME pathology.
We are continuing to explore every possible pathway for successful therapeutic interventions. As our research continues we would also like to announce our latest published paper below.
- Nguyen T, Johnston S, Clarke L, Smith P, Staines D, Marshall-Gradisnik S: Calcium mobilisation in natural killer cells from Chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic encephalomyelitis patients is associated with transient receptor potential melastatin 3 ion channels. Clin Exp Immunol 2016.
I've got more to include so check back here.
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