Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Blood Tests for Osteoporosis Today

I got around to the blood tests for Vitamin D and parathyroid and a urine test called TNx.  All which can indicate a cause of Osteoporosis developing.  I had to fast from food from midnight but I was allowed to drink water.  I'll make an appointment with my GP sometime to discuss the results and the report Dr. Herd sends her if she will let me see it.  I am not going to be happy if certain things are said but I want to know.  I am not sure when she is likely to get a report that lengthy but it mostly seemed to by typed up before I even got to my last appointment with Herd.  He could be adding to it after these tests or simply expect the GP to deal with it.

I got to the lab at about 7.30am and I came straight home again because I was still half asleep.  It has been a very sleepy day for me.  I think I am suffering from post exertional malaise but although today is a bit of a right-off, I think it may have done me good to spend the rest of the day at home sleeping on and off because my glands are really sore again and the mucous that keeps coming from my post-nasal drip, keeps coming in floods.  Perhaps that is why my appetite has not been that great.  I would expect to be losing weight but there is no indication that any such thing is taking place.  It never does any more.  All that said, I am not feeling deathly like I do when my insides seem to vibrate and my heart-rate speeds up so I still think I am going to be OK.

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