Thursday, June 07, 2012

Off to Brizzy Again

I got the phonecall driving down the highway again.  I half expected that he would want to stay the night because I knew he had a QCAT meeting tomorrow in Brizzy and I have spoken to his paid support person Sally on the phone twice now.  She'll be doing her best.

What I didn't know was that he is not planning on coming back from there.  Job or no job, he has changed his mind (again) in favour of a city life.  Changed from not wanting to live in a hostel because that is too demeaning to finding whatever he can take tomorrow.  He says he has a couple of things or places in mind.  He just can't seem to sit and pass time in Kin Kin despite the much improved relationship with his father.  I suppose he sees that as a waste of time.  I am not sure what this implies about his Solar job in Noosa.

I slept most of yesterday, hoping that a day in bed would help.  It has but I did not rest enough today despite not doing much of anything.

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