Sunday, April 01, 2012

Goodbye Green Initiatives

I still have painters mess around me.  Most of the gear stashed in the garage is still in the garage.

I had the IBD clinic the next day and indeed I am now scheduled for both upper and lower endoscopies in about three months with upper biopsies - one for whipple's disease.  I did not actually see the gastroenterologist I was referred to.  Once again it was Stephanie, the nurse practitioner. 

S has been looking (and driving) for rentals but as it got closer to his work trip to Mackay, it hardly seemed worth paying rent for a week where he would not be.  He was due to be picked up this morning at 7am but he is still here.  He got more and more worried about what was going to happen while he was stuck up in Mackay.  I tried and tried to get him to go and make a plan of what he would do if he suddenly got go for a walk.  However at 8pm last night at such a rude hour and to a man whose wife is having MRI's for tumours, he phoned and cancelled.  He also lost his job.  "This is the last time you are going to stuff me around S".  I warned him.  Instead of distress over losing his job it was relief.

More to come

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