Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fourth Move for Son since Dec 2nd

On Wednesday he moved out of the 2nd place and into the 3rd place.  And now I know why he did not have Connor on the weekend, he was moving again into the fourth place.  Kuluin, Maroochydore.  With Jeff or Geoff and a Chris and his girlfriend and a John moving in soon.  A pool and the Internet. And today he collected his rego renewal notice from the collection of mail here so he is "in the shit".

And St is pissed off with Roger because he is not coming for X-mas to see Cohen and is going to Bev's family in Brisbane again as per last year.  She did not go to her Mum's especially for him.  Last year she did go to HB and met Roger in a carpark somewhere to give Cohen his present.  But she does not really want S in case he spoils X-mas there at their place otherwise I would have had somewhere to go (not that I care).  So that is why it will be just me and S X-mas Day.

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